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Public Document 561-v4

Official data release for Bayes 2022 paper, arXiv:2311.07835

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Document Created:
09 May 2024, 13:12
Contents Revised:
27 Jun 2024, 09:43
Metadata Revised:
27 Jun 2024, 13:34
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28 May 2024, 09:27
Official data release to accompany the first NOvA Bayesian results paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.07835. The included `README.md` below describes the contents more fully, but in short, included here are:

* A `README.md` describing the files

* Four `.root` files containing marginal posterior densities in neutrino oscillation parameters, and associated 1D and 2D credible regions derived from them

* One `.root` file containing a `TTree` with Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples, which can be used to recreate the posteriors above. **Please use the URL below to download this large (2GB) file**

* One Jupyter notebook giving extensive examples how the MCMC samples above can be used

Notes and Changes:
DOI: 10.15484/2349444
Report number: FERMILAB-DATA-2023-01


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