NOvA inclusive electron neutrino cross section results presented at Neutrino2020
8.09E20 protons-on-target, neutrino-enhanced beam
Data release contains 3 ROOT files containing the double-differential measurement with respect to electron angle (cos theta) and electron energy, a single-differential measurement with respect to squared four-momentum transfer (Q2), and the total cross section as a function of neutrino energy. The 1D cross-section measurements include the same kinematic phase space restrictions present in the double-differential analysis.
The files, xsec_{dThdE/Enu/dQ2}.root, contain the extracted cross section and associated covariance matrices for the double-differential cross section with respect to the observed electron kinematics, dThdE, neutrino energy, Enu, and squared four-momentum transfer, Q^2.
In each file there will be the following histograms:
TH2D/TH1D xsec: unfolded measured cross section
TH2D xsec_cov: cross section covariance matrix
TH2D stat_cov: statistical covariance matrix
Includes text files, xsec_{dThdE/Enu/dQ2}.txt show the corresponding histograms in plain text format.